Dear Friends,
Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love.
This quote was lifted from the pages of the Article 2 Commission—the committee that looks at our UU values and is charged to keep our faith relevant. Our principles and values are on the docket to be looked upon at our General Assembly this summer.
Love is the holy thing that unites us as Unitarian Universalists and Love is the experience we share at All Souls. When I think about the warmth and connection that springs forth during a service, and the camaraderie that shows up at coffee hour, this is the Love that is shared throughout the building and the people of All Souls.
We are also reaching out to our neighbors. We are getting involved in direct volunteer experiences with Matthew 25 ministries— they’re a food distribution pantry that is set up on the last Saturday of the month in Ashland and the first Saturday of the month at Mansfield Senior High; people can drive up and receive help in the form of produce and food. If you are looking to volunteer too, please come just before 8am.
I am reading an excellent book about making a difference. I encourage everyone to read it. In a few months, I would like to put together an adult RE book read of it: Soul of a Citizen; Living with conviction in challenging times, by Paul Rogat Loeb. It is offering to me inspiration and hope, while also offering practicality.
In it the author quotes philosopher and theologian Cornel West, “A rich life is fundamentally a life of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it…. This is true at the personal level… [but there’s also] a political version of this. It has to do with what you see when you get up in the morning and look in the mirror and ask yourself whether you are simply wasting time on the planet or spending time in an enriching manner.”
As March rolls out spring and melts the winter away, I hope you find ways to connect, and serve, and enrich the lives of others and others might offer the same for you. As the daffodils pop up, I pray that you can experience the Love
that holds us together.
— Rev. Will