Message from the Minister

Dear Friends,

As the vibrant colors of autumn surround us and the days grow shorter, I’m filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for the journey we’ve embarked upon together as a congregation. October is upon us, and it marks a time of change and reflection.

Embracing Change:
Change is an ever-present force in our lives, much like the changing seasons. Just as the leaves gracefully transform from green to brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold, our congregation continues to evolve. We have welcomed new faces and celebrated milestones together. As we embrace change, let us remember the core values that bind us: the commitment to justice, compassion, and the free search for truth.

Amidst change, it is essential to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. I’m profoundly grateful for the resilience and dedication I see in each of you. Your commitment to building a more just and compassionate world is truly inspiring. As we move through October, let’s take a moment to reflect on the blessings in our lives, the beauty of our surroundings, and the strength of our community.

Share Your Thoughts:
I value your input and feedback. If you have ideas, concerns, or suggestions for our congregation’s future, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your voice matters, and it helps us shape our shared journey.

In closing, let us embrace the changes that October brings and hold gratitude close to our hearts. Together, we can continue to be a beacon of love and justice in our community.

With warmth and blessings,
-Rev. Will

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