Message from the Minister

All Souls,

I was talking with a ministry colleague about UUism. We were reflecting on the tradition and the impact we have on society–the UUA is involved in a lawsuit against the DOJ regarding ICE impacting the freedom of religion.

We were speculating on history, looking back through time.

There were 500 UUs on the bridge at Selma in 1965–How many UUs knew about the protest in Selma1? How many folks here in Bellville knew?

When Rev. Dr. Norbert Chapek2 was taken to prison–did Unitarians in the US know?

When Rev. Charles Joy, Director of the Unitarian Service Committee3, asked his friend Hans Deutsch4 to design a symbol to legitimize their work rescuing Jews from Germany in WWII–did Unitarians in the US know?

How many U/Us churches were involved in the Abolition work–Underground Railroad?

Looking through history, how much of the Justice work were parish level initiatives? How much of the Justice work is ours to do? How much do we take on?

As you think through those questions, and think about the impact you could have locally, I’d like to invite you to a few events:

Saturday, March 22, 2025, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (Register by March 15)5Transformation and Community Days: Leading with Love at the Center. This is held at UU Congregation of Cleveland, in Shaker Heights. This is a workshop day of training and skill-building that will help us to develop our local responses to oppression, help us to connect with other UUs doing the work, and will build networks through other communities in the Central East Region. There is a registration sliding scale fee, and East Shore has offered scholarships to this as part of our shared ministry together.

Sunday, April 27, 2025, 3pm–Yom HaSho’ah Combined Service at Emanuel Jacob 973 Larchwood Rd, Mansfield, OH 44907. Emanuel Jacob Reform Judaism Congregation, All Souls and other progressive protestant churches are sharing this service remembering the Holocaust, and recalling the words of the sages and prophets who taught resistance to oppression is as old as our traditions.

Sunday, May 18, 2025, 4pm–Anti-Oppression Teach-In Work-Shops at All Souls. This is a combined follow up from the Yom HaSho’ah service. We will work together to learn ways of resisting oppression and learning how to work together.

Let’s work together to help our neighbors and create positive change!

Rev. Will








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