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Rev. Dr. Elaine Strawn — Weaving the Cross of Brigid

February 2 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Sunday Service — 10:30 a.m.

Leader — Jacqueline Moore

Speaker — Rev. Dr. Elaine Strawn

Title — Weaving the Cross of Brigid

Topic — Brigid (or St. Brigid in the Christian lexicon) weaves together many strands of Reed. The ancient Celtic wise woman of sacred wells and is the Christian saint, the midwife to Mary. Weaving is a sacred task: using opposing strands to build stronger material.

Bio —Rev. Dr. Elaine served as the settled minister in the UU Fellowship of Wayne County in Wooster for 23 years before semi-retiring. She now co-chairs the regional Commissioned Lay Ministry Council and offers Spiritual Direction to a wide variety of people. Walking, gardening and tai chi keep her grounded and inspired.

Join us downstairs after service for coffee and conversation.

Masks are optional in the building, and we fully support individuals’ choices regarding their use.


February 2
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


All Souls UU Church
25 Church St.
Bellville, Ohio 44813
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