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Rev. Joan VanBecelaere — “Valuing Our Values”
July 14, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday Service — 10:30 a.m.
Leader — Bambi Gordon
Speaker — Rev. Joan VanBecelaere
Title — “Valuing Our Values”
Topic — In the heat of current politics, politicians and pundits of all sides enjoy tossing around values in language. From the language used, one might think that only certain specified religious or political groups have values and live them. Even though we aren’t cited among the specified groups, we Unitarian Universalists have strong values rising from our religious commitments and living out in our communities. What are our strongest values? What are the central values held in esteem by our congregation? How do these values inform our lives together in community? We will have some time to discuss together the central values we hold.
Bio — Rev. Joan VanBecelaere is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister. She has served as the Executive Director of UU Justice Ohio and as a Congregational Life Consultant for the Ohio-Meadville District and the Staff Lead for CERG – the Central East Regional Group. Before holding this position, she was the vice-president for student services at the Iliff School of Theology, Denver CO, where she taught UU polity. She lives in Columbus OH with her spouse, Jerry, and four felines all named after Hebrew Bible prophets and kings.
Join us downstairs after service for coffee and conversation.
*Masks are optional in the building, and we fully support individuals’ choices regarding their use.*