Hike at Mohican

Hiking at Mohican's Lyon Falls/Dam Please contact Denise Brown with any questions

Board Meeting

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Sunday Service

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker:  Rev. Sunshine Wolfe Title: “The Future of Religion” Topic:  Society is changing rapidly.  How does religion meet the changing needs of our world and better live out their mission in their communities.  This service will explore the changes we are seeing in religion in general and Unitarian Universalism in specific.  We will delve into

Sunday Service

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker: Bambi Gordon Title: “How Do You Live — With Your Mind Full, or Mindfully?” Topic: Do you often find yourself running on auto pilot and not aware of what you are doing? Mindfulness is a practice that allows you to begin to be present for your life. Research shows that a Mindful practice can