“A Spiritually Transformative Experience”

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Join Dr. Walter Kania for a documentary on "The Quest For Enlightenment."  It is a positive,  life-affirming journey of the indomitable human spirit.  It is a story of a spiritual awakening, a journey from materialism and a matter-based consciousness to a heart-based spirituality.  It could be described as a pursuit of Truth, or a stumble


Board Meeting

All are welcome to attend All Souls' monthly board meeting.

Sunday Service

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker:  David Schwartz Title:  AS TIME GOES BY Topic:  Time is a very integral and common part of our daily lives.  However, there are many aspects of time that we rarely if ever, think about.  But these features of time shape our existence much more than the ticking of a clock.  Schwartz will explore with


Adopt-a-Highway Clean-Up Day

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Many volunteers needed. Please contact Brian Moore if you would like to help.

Sunday Sitting

FREE & Open to All! (Donations welcome) 2 rounds of silent Buddhist Sitting meditation (Zazen) with 1 round of silent walking meditation (Kinhin). No previous meditation experience necessary. These are our pilot weekly sittings to offer regular practice as well as a 'lite' alternative to our full 4th Monday Sittings with Zen Buddhist Service, liturgy


Adult RE

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Join us for discussion of Michael J. Kruger's Christianity at the Crossroads.


Sunday Service

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker:  Rev. William Humphrey Title:  The Arts, voices and expression of Freedom Topic:  Celebrating Memorial Day while reflecting on our freedoms and responsibilities. Bio: Will is the bi-vocational/part-time minister of All Souls UU. Steeped in progressive Christian tradition, and Religious Humanist thought, Will is contemplative and drawn to social action and relationship building as means



All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Bring a dish to share and enjoy good food and good conversation!


Sunday Sitting

FREE & Open to All! (Donations welcome) 2 rounds of silent Buddhist Sitting meditation (Zazen) with 1 round of silent walking meditation (Kinhin). No previous meditation experience necessary. These are our pilot weekly sittings to offer regular practice as well as a 'lite' alternative to our full 4th Monday Sittings with Zen Buddhist Service, liturgy
