Buddhist Weekly Sunday Sit

2 rounds of silent Buddhist Sitting meditation (Zazen) with 1 round of silent walking meditation (Kinhin). No previous meditation experience necessary. These are our pilot weekly sittings to offer regular practice as well as a ‘lite’ alternative to our full 4th Monday Sittings with Zen Buddhist Service, liturgy and Dharma talk on the 4th Mondays.

The Near-Death Experience

Video seminar and mini-lecture series with Dr. Walter Kania. Dr. Kania has personally experienced a near-death experience (NDE). In addition, he has studied NDEs and lectured on it throughout his life.  


Adult RE

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Join us in discussion of Michael J. Kruger's Christianity at the Crossroads.


Sunday Service: “Death, Transformation, and Resurrection: The Easter Pattern of Spiritual Emergence”

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker: Christopher Reynolds Title: Death, Transformation, and Resurrection: The Easter Pattern of Spiritual Emergence Topic: Easter belongs to a larger body of stories that are maps of soul-transformation or spiritual emergency.       Spiritual emergency was coined by Christina and Stan Grof in the 1980s in order to describe difficult stages of a radical personality transformation and


Hike at Mohican

Mohican State Park

Questions? Ask Denise Brown.


Sunday Sitting

FREE & Open to All! (Donations welcome) 2 rounds of silent Buddhist Sitting meditation (Zazen) with 1 round of silent walking meditation (Kinhin). No previous meditation experience necessary. These are our pilot weekly sittings to offer regular practice as well as a 'lite' alternative to our full 4th Monday Sittings with Zen Buddhist Service, liturgy


The Near-Death Experience

Video seminar and mini-lecture series with Dr. Walter Kania. Dr. Kania has personally experienced a near-death experience (NDE). In addition, he has studied NDEs and lectured on it throughout his life.


Board Meeting

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

All are welcome to attend All Souls' monthly board meeting.