Adult RE

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Join in the discussion of Justice on Earth by Manish Mishra Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom.


Sunday Service: NIMBY — Not In My Back Yard

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker:  Elaine Tanner Friends For Environmental Justice Title: “NIMBY” Not in My Back-Yard Topic:   When a fracking operation sets foot in your community it is often too late.  When it is in your backyard your family may already be at risk.  Spend some time getting to know what we are dealing with and what you

Buddhist Weekly Sunday Sit

2 rounds of silent Buddhist Sitting meditation (Zazen) with 1 round of silent walking meditation (Kinhin). No previous meditation experience necessary. These are our pilot weekly sittings to offer regular practice as well as a 'lite' alternative to our full 4th Monday Sittings with Zen Buddhist Service, liturgy and Dharma talk on the 4th Mondays.


Adult RE

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Join in the discussion of Justice on Earth by Manish Mishra Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom.



Gorman Nature Center 2295 Lexington Ave., Mansfield, Ohio

Buddhist Weekly Sunday Sit

2 rounds of silent Buddhist Sitting meditation (Zazen) with 1 round of silent walking meditation (Kinhin). No previous meditation experience necessary. These are our pilot weekly sittings to offer regular practice as well as a ‘lite’ alternative to our full 4th Monday Sittings with Zen Buddhist Service, liturgy and Dharma talk on the 4th Mondays.


Board Meeting

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio