Overcoming Racism Book Discussion
Join us in discussion of Howard and Judith Sacks' Way Up North in Dixie.
ACIM Study Group
All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, OhioFacilitated by Dr. Walter Kania, this is a study/discussion group for A Course in Miracles.
Adult RE Book Discussion
All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, OhioJoin us for lively discussion of Elaine Pagels' The Gnostic Gospels.
Sunday Service
All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, OhioSpeaker: Dr. Walter Kania, Ph.D. Title: Metaphysics and the Art of Thinking Topic: Metaphysics (of or pertaining to the nature of physical reality) gives us a new way to begin to understand the nature of the world. This principle of metaphysics is based on the nature of who we are. The issue is not the …
Sunday “Craft”ernoon
All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, OhioJoin us for fun and fellowship as we make a quilled pendant. As class size is limited, we are asking for registration. Please register by clicking here or emailing Fonda at allsoulsohio@gmail.com
Overcoming Racism Book Discussion
Join us for discussion of Howard and Judith Sacks' Way Up North in Dixie.
Webinar: “Smalls Making a Big Difference”
All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, OhioJoin us for this webinar from the UUA on how small UU congregations are making an impact. Please bring a small side dish/light snack to share.
All Souls-Gambier Service
Facilitated by Revs. Will Humphrey and Elaine Strawn