Overcoming Racism: A Knox County Discussion

The book we will be looking at is Undocumented: A Dominican Boy's Odyssey from a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League by Dan-el Padilla Peralta. This book has been selected to look at racism in different ways, noting our intersectionality as well as hearing a voice that we have yet to acknowledge in these classes.

Planned Parenthood Parenting Circle

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

This program provides a safe place for adults to review opportunities and practices of sexual health communications with their youngsters. This is to help parents and guardians talk about sexuality and sex-health with children at all ages. Meals will be provided by Planned Parenthood. Please RSVP to allsoulsohio@gmail.com and list the date(s) you are planning

Knit & Crochet Group

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

For experienced knitters or crocheters, feel free to bring a project you're already working on, or a new one you'd like to start. One of our goals is to make some items for a local homeless shelter, so if you'd like to make a hat or scarf to donate, that would be great. For anyone

Who am I?

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

Speaker: Dr. Walter Kania Topic: Last month we focused on "The Transformational Power of Your Mind." We noted that the thoughts we think produce feelings and impact our belief system, our body chemistry, our state of health or illness, and our behavior. Yet our bulletin quoted Eckhart Tolle as saying, "To realize that you are

Overcoming Racism: A Knox County Discussion

The book we will be looking at is Undocumented: A Dominican Boy's Odyssey from a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League by Dan-el Padilla Peralta. This book has been selected to look at racism in different ways, noting our intersectionality as well as hearing a voice that we have yet to acknowledge in these classes.

Planned Parenthood Parenting Circle

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

This program provides a safe place for adults to review opportunities and practices of sexual health communications with their youngsters. This is to help parents and guardians talk about sexuality and sex-health with children at all ages. Meals will be provided by Planned Parenthood. Please RSVP to allsoulsohio@gmail.com and list the date(s) you are planning

Knit & Crochet Group

All Souls UU Church 25 Church St., Bellville, Ohio

For experienced knitters or crocheters, feel free to bring a project you're already working on, or a new one you'd like to start. One of our goals is to make some items for a local homeless shelter, so if you'd like to make a hat or scarf to donate, that would be great. For anyone