Adult R.E. Book Discussion
Adult R.E. Book Discussion
Adult RE Book Discussion Sundays 9:00 am Almost Like Us: Peoples of the Stone Age by Ivy Hendy We will meet downstairs. Masks are requested while in the building
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
We welcome you to our diverse and inclusive sanctuary.
Adult RE Book Discussion Sundays 9:00 am Almost Like Us: Peoples of the Stone Age by Ivy Hendy We will meet downstairs. Masks are requested while in the building
Speaker -- Brian Moore Leader -- Fonda Kendrick Title -- Living Impartially, Exploring the 5th Verse of the Tao Te Ching Topic -- The Tao does not discriminate period! Like heaven and Earth, it is impartial. Practicing impartiality is a way to incorporate the 5th verse of the Tao Te Ching into your life and …
Adult RE Book Discussion Sundays 9:00 am Sapiens A Brief History of Mankind by Yuval Noah Harari We will meet downstairs. Masks are requested while in the building
Sunday Service – 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Lu Ann Howard Leader: Reed Richmond Title and Topic: Moving Forward Despite Covid and Political Divisiveness. Bio: Lu Ann Howard, MSW, LSW is a lifelong resident of Mansfield working as a Community Lecturer at The Ohio State University since 2005. Previously, she worked for Richland County for 30 years …
Adult RE Book Discussion Sundays 9:00 am Sapiens A Brief History of Mankind by Yuval Noah Harari We will meet downstairs. Masks are requested while in the building
Sunday Service – 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Wendy Bartlett Leader: Brian Moore Title: #LoveWins Topic: This Valentine's Day weekend we celebrate Unitarian Universalist attorney William Obergefell, and his role in winning the historic Supreme Court decision on marriage equality, as well as other UUs who worked and fought for LGBTQ rights throughout history. Wear your rainbow colors! …
Sunday Service – 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Jacquie Zarley Leader: Hayley Young Title: Anything worth doing is worth doing badly; in front of everyone Topic: In our capitalistic world, we have all been conditioned to "produce". Everything we do must be commodified and marketed. This type of thinking means everything must be perfect in order to …
Join us for our monthly meeting at Bob Evans on Hanley Road in Mansfield. There we will discuss life, faith, and anything you want.
Adult RE Book Discussion Sundays 9:00 am Sapiens A Brief History of Mankind by Yuval Noah Harari We will meet downstairs. Masks are requested while in the building
Sunday Service – 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Rev. Will Humphrey Leader: Kristin Ellis Title: The Empty Basket Topic: A look at Taoist UU Wu Wei Bio: Rev. Will Humphrey served two Lutheran (ELCA) congregations as a youth pastor and a Church of Christ congregation as an educator prior to coming to All Souls. Serving as our …