Message from the Minister

Peace and Mercy upon you, upon us all,

It is May and I know I find myself looking at the news of happy things like graduations and celebrations, while trying to not look at the news of all of the divisive things–like a kid peeking through his fingers at a scary movie. And the headlines get me–the local scandals; the reports on inflation, price gouging, and late stage capitalism; the political scene in our state and nation, and the hate legislation that keeps coming, denying people rights. Continue reading “Message from the Minister”

Message from the Minister

Happy April–the fools day, the spring breaks, Easter Leftovers, Eclipses and Passover. Happy April showers, and garden planting with early sweet peas. I posted a poem for this newsletter, The Low Road, by Marge Piercy– and it has me inspired a little. The feelings of loneliness that I feel, and the reported loneliness reported by the Surgeon General’s Loneliness epidemic report–and this poem, my loneliness, the hopeful promise of springtime turning into summer sunshine urges me to connect. Continue reading “Message from the Minister”

Message from the Minister

As we step into the fresh canvas of the new year, I am filled with gratitude for the warmth and light that each of you brings to our church, our spiritual community. January not only marks the beginning of a new calendar year, but it is also a time for reflection, renewal, and setting intentions for the journey ahead–a journey that is perilous and adventurous, filled with the spectrum of joy and concern. Continue reading “Message from the Minister”